course: Algorithms for designing with bamboo-inspired by nature
role: lecturer
collaboration: Mariana Díaz Leites and Daniel Panameño Corvera
talks: Jaime Pena (@jaimepenastudio) and Arley Osorno (@quincha.bambu)
location: Digital Futures (remote)
date: from 22 Jun to 29 Jun 2023
more information here

about the workshop

This workshop aimed to guide participants through the entire design process of bamboo structures, starting with conceptualizing forms and progressing to the final representation and fabrication of a project. Drawing inspiration from natural elements, we abstracted their forms and geometries. These principles were then translated into algorithmic terms, focusing on using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper to create a script that generated a bamboo structure based on the characteristics of our natural references. Once the modelling was complete, we imported the design into Lumion to create a final visualization and rationalized the project in Grasshopper for fabrication.


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