digital fabrication to occupy voids in plywood sheets

bloom puzzle

type: digital fabrication
role: computational designer
collaboration: SUBdV Architecture
location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
year: 2019

The bloom puzzle was developed at SUBdV Architecture to occupy the empty space of the raw plywood and laminated plywood sheets used to manufacture the Linha Bloom furniture. The puzzle is a gift for customers and can be assembled in different ways and quantities.

design process

Grasshopper definition
Hexagonal Cells
Variable A: 15
Variable A: 30
Rebuild + Attractor Points
Render: tree parts
Render: seven parts


final result

assembly instructions


Parametric Modelling: Camila Calegari Marques
3D Print: Camila Calegari Marques and Henrique Lattes Borçato
CNC: Maycon Moreira (Linha Bloom)
Coordinators: Anne Save de Beaurecueil and Franklin Lee (SUBdV Architecture)

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