digital fabrication

mona counter

type: digital fabrication
role: computational designer
collaboration: SUBdV Architecture
location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
year: 2022

The mona counter was designed at SUBdV Architecture to match other fibreglass furniture built by Jeff Chicarelli in 2016.

This project aimed to restore an existing MDF counter, keeping it as the structure and creating a fibreglass skin to fit onto it. We fabricated styrofoam moulds over which fibreglass was applied to achieve the organic shape. A CNC milling machine manufactured the styrofoam modules.

design process

Designing an organic skin using SUBD from Rhino
Converting to polysurface and merging it with the external parts of the existing MDF counter
Splitting into four separate modules to facilitate transportation
Splitting each module to fit in a styrofoam sheet with 0.07m high
Styrofoam digital assembled
Each grey area refers to a styrofoam sheet from 1.0m x 0.50m
Fiberglass skin
Fiberglass skin fitted onto an existing MDF counter
Fiberglass skin fitted onto an existing MDF counter


final result


3D Modelling and Nesting: Camila Calegari Marques
Coordinators: Anne Save de Beaurecueil and Franklin Lee (SUBdV Architecture)

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