course: Algorithmic body artefacts
role: lecturer
collaboration: Henrique Lattes Borçato, Marina Brant, and Mateus Sartori
location: Digital Futures (remote)
date: from 27 Jun to 2 Jul 2022
more information here

about the workshop

Algorithmic Body Artifacts are wearable accessories and objects designed to adorn and complement the body, offering limitless possibilities for self-expression and identity extension. These objects are generated through algorithms and fabricated using digital technologies.

In this workshop, we explored how visual programming, using Rhinoceros and the Grasshopper plugin, introduced fluidity into the design process. The focus was on creating patterns interacting with the body’s surfaces, such as the hands, arms, neck, shoulders, face, and head. Throughout the course, we delved into concepts like Circle Packing, Differential Growth, Recursive Systems, and Bird Nesting while introducing 3D printing as a powerful tool for digital fabrication, showcasing its immense potential for creating intricate and personalized designs.


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