natura biofacade type: facaderole: computational designercollaboration: Estudio Guto Requenalocation: Rio de Janeiro, Brazilyear: 2023 The natura biofacade was carried out in collaboration with the architectural firm Estudio Guto Requena, led by architect Guto Requena. My role involved developing a modular biomaterial block and designing the facade for the flagship store of a large cosmetic group […]
Tag: architecture
cultivarte arches type: bamboo construction workshoprole: studentproject: Jaime Peña Studiolocation: Anapoima, Colombiayear: 2023 The cultivarte arches were developed during a three-day workshop by architect Jaime Peña. The project, designed using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, involved fabricating and assembling ten bamboo arches. The Cultivarte team, Jaime Peña, and the workshop participants constructed the arches. The process began with constructing a bamboo frame […]
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candela spa
candela spa type: bamboo constructionrole: computational designer and bamboo buildercollaboration: Tacuara Diseño en Bambúlocation: San Jerónimo, Colombiayear: 2023 Tacuara Diseño en Bambú and the architect Luis Santiago Montoya Ramírez designed the candela spa project. My contribution came during the construction phase, redesigning the project in Grasshopper to improve the workflow on the construction site and providing hands-on support to the […]
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sou energy
sou energy type: facaderole: computational designercollaboration: SUBdV Architecturelocation: Ceará, Brazilyear: 2021 The sou energy facade was developed at SUBdV Architecture. The goal was to generate an ornamental and efficient facade for a building in Ceará, Brazil. We worked with a sustainability team that gave us the optimal angles for each facade; that way, we could use this data as input […]
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organic benches
casa caiçara type: architecturerole: architectural and computational designercollaboration: SUBdV Architecturelocation: Sao Paulo, Brazilyear: 2021 The casa caiçara was developed when I was working at SUBdV Architecture. Located about three hours from São Paulo, in Barra do Sahy, the site sits within the Atlantic Forest and has limited car access. Due to the challenges of material transportation and our goal of […]
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bamboo sphere
nautical park type: final thesis for a Bachelor’s degreerole: studentcollaboration: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzielocation: Sao Paulo, Brazilyear: 2016 The project is a public urban nautical park on the border of the Guarapiranga Dam. The intention is to turn it into a nautical sports school—not mechanized—for the population in São Paulo and to requalify and restructure the region. Furthermore, raising awareness among […]
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architectural association visiting school amazon 2024
course: Interactive Constructions: Augmented Reality Bamboo Structuresrole: tutor and coordinator assistantcollaboration: Architectural Association Visiting School Sao Paulo and SUBdV Architectureled tutors: Kristof Crolla and Garvin Goepelcoordinators: Anne Save de Beaurecueil and Franklin Lee (SUBdV Architecture)tutor assistants: Ernesto Bueno, Henrique Lattes Borçato, Orion Campos, Jamie Vegalocation: Belas Artes, Sao Paulo, Brazildate: from 7 Jul to 16 Jul 2022more information here about the workshop Placed […]